The Property Planners

booked calls
business relationships
referral client in the first month

The Agent

Hear how Wes Stephen – The Property Planners generated 28 booked calls, 21 business relationships, and 1 referral client in month 1 working with us.

Get in touch

Wes covers:

  • The power of leverage by using referral partners
  • How you can harness the power of LinkedIn even if you have a small following
  • What he chats about in a referral meeting
  • What not to do with B2B lead generation

Get in touch

B2B lead generation harnesses one of the most powerful tools in business – L.E.V.E.R.A.G.E.

Wes Stephen, The Property Planners
Real world results

Case Studies

Pinnacle Buyers Agents

How to scale referral partners and referrals in place of social leads
Learn more

Mercer & Cooper

B2B, Investors
How to get 60+ sales p.a. with referrals
Learn more

Brighter Bookkeeping

Lisa Higgins B2B Referral Generation Campaign
Learn more

Interested in working with us?

If you’d like to understand how many leads, appointments and sales you might be able to make with our proven client acquisition system, then we invite you to book a 15-minute call below.

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lead generation companies Australia
qualifying leads for closes