Marketing for real estate agents: Appointment setters

22-06-2023 | News

???? Rant alert – Marketing for real estate agents ?????

It shocks me people’s reaction when I tell them that our Appointment Setters are based in the Philippines.

The usual reaction is, “?, well I know what I would do if someone from the Philippines called me, I’d hang up!?”


So if your bank calls you up to offer you a better rate on your home loan and they happen to be in the Philippines, would you hang up?

If you find out that the person on the other end of the chat line, who is fixing your computer, is from the Philippines, would you hang up?

NO, it’s about context.

AND most Australians are ok talking to someone in the Philippines if the message is one they want to hear.?

AND the reality is for a lot of lower-paying call centre jobs in Australia, the people who are making the calls are not Aussie born and have accents anyway!

Love your thoughts, should you consider offshoring any part of your business to the Philippines and if so what elements??

Cheers, James

PS: We’ve tested onshore and offshore appointment setting teams in the property space. If you’d like to have a chat on the differences, book a call with me on the link on this page.

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